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Virtual Assistants
For Any Task

The size of the global virtual assistant market is expected to grow by USD 26 million between 2022 and 2027 at a CAGR of 37.29%. A recent report by Technavio states that the virtual assistant market is forecast to grow by $26 million during 2022-2027, accelerating at a CAGR of 37.29% during the forecast period. The virtual assistant market size is forecast to grow with this rate. With such explosive growth in virtual assistants, we recommend you try our service. Our top candidates are ready to tackle your most important initiatives for a fraction of the cost of hiring locally.

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FAQs about D-Logics's Virtual Assistant Services

Outsourcing has been around for decades, however companies are now finding since Covid-19 that the need to have local staff has diminished significantly. If you are thinking about reducing operational cost in your business and improving efficiency, outsourcing could be perfect for your business. Outsourcing typically relates to the process of hiring your full or part-time employees and the Philippines is considered the leading country for outsourcing with incredibly high rates of education, an amazing, hard working culture and well established infrastructure for remote teams. D-Logics helps small and large companies establish remote teams in record time and has large clients who are ASX and NASDAQ listed (as well as many smaller ones). Let us help you outsource to the Philippines and find the perfect employee to fit your business.

We can do part time, or we can place full time Virtual Assistants that will work exclusively for you

(or part time if you prefer). The assistants are hand-picked for you based on your requirements. For your company, it will be the same person throughout your journey so that you can build rapport and learn the needs of your business

5 to 14 days is the average time it takes for D-Logics to post a job ad, vet candidates, place them through extensive interviews and place them in your team. We take pride in making sure that we get the perfect fit of employees to your business.

We do it on your behalf. If employee(s) is not performing or reaching your KPIs,

let us know and we’ll help performance manage them or terminate and replace them.

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